Author: Gerard Pregenzer, M.D.

No-Scalpel Vasectomy vs Traditional Vasectomy: What to Know

If you are thinking about having a vasectomy in the near future, there are many things to consider. Are you absolutely sure you don’t want any more children? Is your partner in full agreement with your decision? Are you positive you wouldn’t want to be a father if you met a new partner? Beyond those questions, it’s important to understand the type of procedure you would like to have. We are here to break down the differences between a no-scalpel and traditional vasectomy. 

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Understanding the Types of Erectile Dysfunction

Erectile dysfunction is a touchy subject. It used to be taboo in polite conversation. Men did not want to acknowledge its existence and only discussed it with their doctor when they were forced to. Times have changed with TV advertisements for ED being a common occurrence, but many men still find it difficult to discuss ED with their doctors. Maybe understanding the types of erectile dysfunction will make it easier to broach the subject.

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What Could Be Causing Recurring Kidney Stones?

There are few things in life as painful as passing a kidney stone. If you have had one, you know. The problem is that once you have a kidney stone, you are likely to get another one. In fact, you have a 35 to 50% chance of having another within 5 years. Nature can be cruel. Why is this the case, and what could be causing recurring kidney stones?

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